On Mission With Christ · Thy Kingdom Come
Today is a big day for our world . . . It is the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ!
As we continue our series entitled ‘On Mission with Christ’ our attention is drawn to the Model Prayer in Matthew 6:10 Jesus is teaching His disciples on how to pray. In that prayer Jesus states, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done.”
Today we celebrate the fulfillment of that Kingdom coming to the earth. Today we celebrate the Church, the Kingdom not built with human hands but bought and paid for by the blood of the perfect lamb.
Our responsibility now is to align our life with Christ so that His will, will be done on earth.
That means God’s church, the called out, must think every day how they can help the Kingdom expand by prioritizing the Kingdom in ones life.
The early church grew because the flock was all about promoting the Kingdom . . .
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